
AntonioMontanino was born in Naples in 1982. He learned from his father sartorial art from his father, handing to him the secrets and traditions of Neapolitan tailoring. At the age of 20 he opened his fashion house.

A few years from now his creations would have crossed the border to be worn all over the world by the most important names in finance, politics and industry.

A truly exemplary career, the fruit of love, passion and experience, as well as the ability to interpret the personality of its customers trying to translate it into their style.

Per Antonio Montanino le sue opere devono riflettere la personalità di chi lo indossa secondo criteri di sobrietà e raffinatezza.

For Antonio Montanino his works must reflect the personality of the wearer according to criteria of sobriety and refinement.

This philosophy has allowed the tailor to become the reference point for those who want to express their personality by wearing a tailored suit.

In recent years, various newspapers and television broadcasters have dealt with him both for his work and for the various awards he received, including ...

on March 20, 2004 the Golden Scissors Competition and on March 19, 2014 he was appointed vice president of the European Chamber of High Fashion.